
In a fast-growing colony, we have many Departments you can join. Applications should be submitted to the Security Office for review and approval of the Gaga-Rin Planning Council.

If you are not yet registered as a colonist, please apply here.

Gaga-Rin Security Patrol

Have you ever witnessed an unruly colonist and wished you had a weapon and license to confront them with impunity? Now you can as a member of the Gaga-Rin Security Patrol!

Now hiring:

    • Security patrol
    • Enforcers
    • Investigators
    • Strike force

How to apply: Submit your application with prior security experience, weapons rating, and conflict resolution skills attention Vidam Romanov in the security office.

Mama Kim's Wonderland

Mama Kim's is THE premier destination for Companion entertainment. We offer massage to full, intimate experiences. From gynoids, androids, to anything in between, you will find your ultimate desires fulfilled at Mama Kim's.

How hiring:

    • Pole dancers
    • Masseuses
    • Pleasure specialists
    • Courtesans

How to apply: Submit your application and experience attention Quan Su Kim at the security office for a tryout.

Gaga-Rin Science & Biosafety

Get to know your fellow colonists as you manage supply shipments and issue rations from the community depot! Basic counting and reading skills preferred. Bribe-taking for extra rations highly frowned upon.

Now hiring:

    • Lab assistants
    • Botanists
    • Geneticists
    • Biosafety specialists

How to apply: Submit your application at the security office attention Vidam Romanov.

Gaga-Rin Dock & Supply Depot

Get to know your fellow colonists as you manage supply shipments and issue rations from the community depot! Basic counting and reading skills preferred. Bribe-taking for extra rations highly frowned upon.

Note: Human dock-workers enjoy free, emergency medical treatment at the Gaga-Rin clinic. Unit workers receive a discount on replacement limbs.

Now hiring:

    • Dock-workers
    • Supply clerks
    • Inventory specialists
    • Shift foremen

How to apply: Submit your application at the security office attention Serge Gorbanovich.

Other Factions

For other roles, i.e., bounty hunters, cult members, traveling merchants, please contact Andrei Javik (AndreiJavik).

The Original Sputnik's

Established in 1997 as Gaga-Rin's chow hall, Sputnik's has become an institution serving as the colony's entertainment and gathering hub. With a stocked bar, live, exotic entertainment, and an outdoor dance floor, it's the first stop for visitors to the colony and watering hole for locals.

Now hiring:

    • Bartenders
    • Hosts / Hostesses

How to apply: submit your application and experience at the security office attention Sputnik's.

Tovich Robot Storage & Repair

Nothing is more unsightly than a colony littered with broken robots. We are seeking motivated individuals to perform regular maintenance on the colony units, replace missing limbs, and conduct periodic upgrades.

Now hiring:

    • Repair technicians
    • Sales clerks

Qualifications: Must be experienced with Nanite Systems controller devices.

How to apply: Submit your application with experience at the security office attention Vassily Tovich.

Gaga-Rin Medical Clinic

A healthy colony is a happy colony. Since the passing of our doctor, we need a nurse to administer iodine tablets, check the livers of colonists and administer penicillin for venereal disease. If you would like a rewarding career in the medical field but has little or no experience, now is the time to get your feet wet.

Now hiring:

    • Medics
    • Nurses
    • Physicians
    • Surgeons

How to apply: Submit your application and any prior medical experience at the security office attention Vidam Romanov.

Gaga-Rin Market

Do you have a product the colonists can't live without? Whether it's produce, robot limbs, forged documents, or illegal drugs, you can make a fantastic living on the colony market. Get a permit to sell and reserve your stall today!

To apply for a permit: Submit your application, listing goods/services, attention Vidam Romanov at the security office.

Gaga-Rin Engineering

Do you have sought after engineering skills? Are you as handy with a blowtorch as you are with electrical and plumbing? Vassily Tovich is looking for skilled engineers and trade workers to fulfill he colony's many ongoing construction and maintenance needs.

Now hiring:

    • Engineers
    • Electricians
    • Construction workers
    • Public safety officers

How to apply: Submit your qualifications and experience attention Vassily Tovich at the security office.